Friday, March 9, 2007


My friend Kelley encouraged me to start a blog, probably because I was spamming her blog with my incessant comments; the topic was breakfast cereal, and who doesn't have strong opinions on breakfast cereal?

Anyway, I was reluctant to "blog" because, well, I consider myself to be a fairly private person and because I don't think I have all that much to say. Of course, I've already told you my life story in 88 words; so much for privacy. As for having something to say, while some blogs have a central theme or a point to make, this one doesn't. Maybe it will someday, but for now this is just a place for me to comment on things that strike my fancy and perhaps encourage conversation on those topics among the very few friends who may know about this, my dirty little secret. Of course if you're a complete stranger, you're welcome as well. Feel free to peruse and comment.


Kelley said...

Oh, hooray, John! I can't wait to read more. My favorite kind of blogs are the random variety.

Dubber said...

Me too, though I fear my stream of consciousness will become something of a drainage ditch.

Scott Johnson said...

The only thing I know that would be scarier than wading into someone else's ruminations is if I started my own blog... This is a great way to eliminate the distances and get into some meatier subjects as in the days of yore. I cannot wait to read more!

Day by Day by Chris Muir