Friday, December 7, 2007

You know what I hate?

That long walk from the law school to the parking garage. In December. Right after taking a final. And it's dark. And cold. You're all alone with your thoughts, that is until someone asks you what you got on question such & such. That's when that nagging doubt becomes full-blown regret.

Yeah... I hate that.


Scott Johnson said...

Stir introspection and skepticism until vortex appears. Serve chilled. Guaranteed to keep you up all night.

Sorry, dude. I cringed like an uprepared fourth-grader before a pop quiz just reading your post.

Kelley said...

You talking about that garage waaaaaaay on the opposite side of campus from the law school?

Dubber said...

Yeah. Laclede and the long walk of shame. Though tonight wasn't too bad. Of course, I made it a point to avoid talking to anyone. Hence, no questions about what I got on such n' such. Come tomorrow after the evidence exam, I think I'll be ready for a stiff belt of rot-gut, which Humphrey's conveniently provides right across the street from said garage. Almost like they planned that, ya know?

Day by Day by Chris Muir