Saturday, November 17, 2007


Bowling sucks.

But I did make a strike.


Scott Johnson said...

There has to be more to this story...

Dubber said...

Well, I went bowling for the second time in over 20 years (the first being a few weeks ago with Kelley's clan). Grandma was in town and Grandma likes to bowl, so we decided to do something to entertain her. Some how, some way, my finger got hung up in the hole and *snap*. We eventually made our way to an ER (we still had about an hour and a half to bowl, so I cheered everyone on as I iced my finger). Spent $100 to find out they didn't see a break, but damn is it swollen and blue, despite icing it down. Hopefully I'll be able to bend it in a few days because finals are in two weeks.

Kelley said...


Dubber said...

Yeah, I looked at it today and I have a bruise on either side of the finger... looks ligament-y. Supposed to follow up with an ortho guy. I don't have time for this crap.

Day by Day by Chris Muir