Thursday, July 12, 2007

Yeah baby!

I came across a video of the F-22 and thought it was pretty damn impressive. Lots of "alpha loops" and "power loops" and whatnot. Of course, you had Joe Cool Fighter Jock narrating, hands on hips, feet shoulder width apart as he assumed the Fighter Pilot Stance ™, followed by lots of talking with his hands. But who cares about the F-22 when you can watch a B-52! Check this out...

This first video has some nice footage. I always thought AC/DC's Hells Bells was the quintessential B-52-goin'-to-war song, but I guess Thunderstruck will do in a pinch.

Then I found this...

Check out the footage from 2:10 to 2:58 (4:13 to 3:24 on time remaining). I can't say for certain because all gun camera footage tends to look alike, but it seems awfully familiar. I'm thinkin' the Utah Test and Training Range, 1994. If only the pilot had said "knock it off," then I'd know for sure that I was that MF (we nearly smacked a mountain). I rarely make it a point to go into any detail about what I did while flying B-52s because it tends to make one's eyes glaze over and induces a catatonic state, but it's nice to be able to show the final product of my effort. So, daddy, what did you do when you flew B-52s? I upset the bad men in pointy airplanes and broke their toys. ;)

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Day by Day by Chris Muir