Monday, September 3, 2007

Check Thumbs Up Light - Illuminated

Three-quarters of the clan made an impromptu visit to the St. Louis County Fair & Air Show (while Meg played nature girl with her friend for three days of camping). It was a clear, cloudless Sunday afternoon, maybe twenty degrees too warm, so it was a relatively brief trip. Still we stayed long enough to sample fair delicacies like meat-on-a-stick and catch a few planes making the sound of freedom. Bryan came prepared.

The F-15, being a home-grown bird in these parts, led the show. I really need to get a telephoto lense to do the subject justice, but I thought Lisa's effort in capturing the Red Baron Pizza PT-17s was quite artful.

We made it a point to check out the statics as we headed out. No B-52s, but Bryan got to see what daddy learned basic airmanship in, namely the T-37 "Tweet." The recruiters had a mini F-16 for the kids to play on. Bry signaled he was good to go.

On the way home, Bryan made known his intention to become a "Blue Angels airplane pilot guy." Check Dad's Thumbs Up Light - Illuminated.


Scott Johnson said...

Man, I bet you popped a few buttons when your chest swelled with pride!

Great photos!

Dubber said...

I'm poppin' buttons from eating too much McD's; the daily #10 with a large iced coffee is just killin' me!!! Alas, I cannot resist the allure that is McD's iced coffee. Mmmmmmmmmmm...

But yeah, Bry could do worse than become a naval aviator, though his mom gave me a dirty look when I voiced my encouragement for his stated intentions.

NaturalGrrl said...

No kidding! What was I thinking? I actually encouraged you to go to the air show ... Wait a minute! Was that one of those reverse psychology moments?

I saw Bryan's eyes sparkle with each new jet experience. After our 11 years in the Air Force, you want that for your son?

NaturalGrrl said...

aw... thanks hun.

Dubber said...

Well, yeah, I wouldn't mind if he became control surface actuator... err, pilot. :) My beef with the military had more to do with being told "no" one too many times and being trapped at Barksdale for too long than it had to do with the job. Had I been allowed to take that JSTARS job or interview for that SR-71 job, we'd probably be neighbors of the Denningers at Langley and I'd be lieutenant colonel (or passed-over major). Well, actually, no, we'd probaby be somewhere else because I would have successfully escaped the aura of "Buff stink." Still, I think it's possible to have a rewarding military career; it just wasn't in the cards for me, but that's not to say Bry couldn't have one if he so chose. If nothing else, he'd have the advantage of dad telling him what pitfalls to avoid (if he chose to listen ;) ).

Day by Day by Chris Muir