Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Hey look! New toys...

I was perusing the blog of Webs, a former WarBirds squaddie and known Diplomacy cheat, when after scrolling for what seemed like days, I came upon this nifty little widget that played music. Apparently it was music that Webs likes, and I thought "huh, cool." So I followed the link and discovered the joy that is last.fm.

This is so much better than Apple's goofy iMix thingie. Why? Thanks for asking. First, it works, whereas it took multiple emails to Apple's tech support to finally get the iMix to show up. Second, it's not just a marketing ploy to sucker people into an online store. Yes, they both play 30-second snippets, and they both give you the opportunity to buy the song or album, but if you click on the big glowing button on the widget, it actually plays all the songs in the playlist in their entirety. You can open the widget in a new window, allowing for uninterrupted listening pleasure. And just for Scott, I didn't configure it to autostart, though that's a neat feature if you wanted to give your blog some ambient music beyond the dreaded MIDI.

So, consider this "Mood Music, Part 2," which represents 4.9% of my electronic music collection. Enjoy!


Scott Johnson said...

Auto-start it up!

You are right. Sometimes you land on a website and the music choice makes you rip the speakers off your computer!

Dubber said...

Nah. I would rather people make the choice to be offended my my musical tastes. ;)

Webs said...

Just found this. :)

Dubber said...

And it's about time.

Day by Day by Chris Muir