Wednesday, September 5, 2007


B-52 mistakenly flies with nukes aboard

Can you say "career limiting maneuver"?

Update: Doh! x 70!

Some blithering idiots claim that the move of the nukes was a a signal to Iran. Some tinfoil aficionados have gone so far as to theorize that the discrepancy in the number of weapons reportedly moved--5 versus 6--was an inadvertent slip of what was to be a false flag op in which the missing nuke was supposed to be detonated by "terrorists," but it's really Booooosh!!!11!eleventy1one1! I am so losing patience with the Bush haters, conspiracy nuts, anti-war types and the whacked out Left.


Scott Johnson said...

(But then again, you usually do have the internet whispering sweet nothings in your ear!)

How many heads will roll over this "oversight"? And really why did this have to be made public?

Dubber said...

I do... I'm such a slut to its allure. ;)

Well, I imagine the flight crew, maintenance crew, weapons loaders and their commanders will all feel the cold steely blade on their respective necks. The weapons were on an external pylon, so it's not like they could be missed. Hell, even the poor schmuck who pulled "Foxtrot"--the Supervisor of Flying--might get dinged because even he could see five ACMs hanging off the wing of a B-52 as it taxied by, look at the flight schedule and make a call to the crew. It's such an incredibly egregious error that I can't put myself in that position to understand.

Good point about going public. I don't know how or why this would get out.

Day by Day by Chris Muir